Zeppi is a video collaboration system enabling remote team members an on-site entity so they can experience meaningful interactions


The Challenge

Joining a physical gathering from remote is BROKEN.
Virtual participants are left-out, lacking presence and visibility.

Immersive remote presence with Zeppi

Gain a sense of 3D presence with a balloon shape form factor, and a real entity in the physical space.

With onsite presence, visibility and mobility, Zeppi is enhancing team's collaboration as the remote participant is no longer neglected behind the presentation on the screen or outside of the meeting room, at: corporate workshops, team's off-sites, innovation rooms, networking events and more.

  • Be included even when remote
  • On-site presence, 3D feel with a spherical display
  • Eye Level communication standing or sitting, for any setting
  • Life size display face & shoulders allows natural comfortable distance
  • Easy set up lightweight and simple to re-position
  • All in one video communication device high end camera, projection, mic & speakers

Zeppi stationary version is now available for pre orders.